Ah, cepelinai.
Lithuanians love to talk about their cepelinai - often described as the national dish, along with their beloved, refreshing šaltibarščiai.
About a year ago, I shared a bit about my penchant for šaltibarščiai and a recipe for making it. But the hearty, wintery cepelinai has its own place in my heart: it was my first dish in the whole country. (Yes, in hot July. Not my wisest moment. I was too excited to care, y'all.)
And I'll be honest, I didn't quite get it.
Let me explain.

Source: Andrius Aleksandravicius
As The Scientist likes to say, cepelinai are potatoes made from potatoes - and he's right. In simple terms, they're potato dumplings filled with meat - or other tasty fillings. But here's the interesting part: when you break into them, the potatoes have an interesting texture - spongy, gelatinous,... intriguing. Definitely worth trying at least once.
I've continued to try them over my nearly two years here, and I've come to the conclusion that I don't prefer cepelinai with meat. (Gasp!) Mostly, I just don't like the meat - which makes sense, given I usually only eat meat outside my home. If I'm going to eat it, it better be delicious. This ain't cuttin' it.
So, pray tell, how do I eat my cepelinai, then? Well, with a varškė (curd cheese) filling. My favorite restaurant cepelinai can be found at Senoji trobelė - they fill their vegetarian cepelinai with varškė, tarragon, and other herbs. In fact, I'd recommend this restaurant to anyone visiting Lithuania - so keep that in mind. Named after Graff von Zeppelin (not Led Zeppelin, like I hoped!), some people believe cepelinai are based on the German Kartoffelknödel, but they've been a part of Lithuanian cuisine for at least 150 years. Now you see why I had to try it before anything else!
One day in 2021, my brother-in-law messaged me from the States to share a picture of his homemade cepelinai. I was floored and impressed - making this dish is a labor-intensive process... or so I'd heard. ;)
It took about a year and a half, but on one of Lithuania's independence days, The Scientist and I holed up with two friends to make our own varškė cepelinai - it seemed like the right day for such an exploration. My Lithuanian friend warned me I'd be putting in a lot of work, but hey, why else did I move here?
We peeled and peeled and peeled potatoes before boiling them and using an unusual, heavy-duty, Soviet-style potato grater machine to get each potato as scrappy as possible. I could go through every step of the process, but just know that it was laborious and involved lots of teamwork and alcohol - and extra potato starch because our initial cepelinai fell apart. You win some, you lose some - but hey, they were all delicious. (Here's an English recipe, if you're feeling brave! If you only have a grinder, use the smallest zest side for better results.)
I've come to realize cepelinai is a bonding experience for family members and friends - almost like a road trip. You commit to the process and appreciate the journey just as much as the end goal. Check out some photos from the day we made these bad boys; they're brown because we didn't use lemon to brighten the potatoes at any point. No regrets. ;)
Would I make them again? Yes, definitely - as long as it had a vegetarian filling. Ours bucked tradition a bit, but y'all know I feel about that: satisfied.
Have you ever made cepelinai? Thinking about doing it? Do you prefer šaltibarščiai over cepelinai? Let me know!
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