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Jul 19, 20244 min read
Lithuania's Song Festival: A Celebration of Culture
Welcome back to Into the Forests I Go , my little corner of the internet to share life in Lithuania (and beyond!) as an expat. I'm glad...
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May 16, 20242 min read
An Ode to Spring in Lithuania: You're Glorious
Let's be honest here at Into the Forests I Go. Do I miss the constant, warm May sun and good weather in the American South at this time...
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Apr 26, 20242 min read
That Time I May Have Accidentally Walked into a Cult Space
Lithuania to me: "Oh, you thought it was Spring?!" Yeah, about that. Not quite. I've been swimming in a sea of grays and greens, grays...
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Apr 12, 20243 min read
Springtime in the Baltics: Rebirth, Renewal, and Ceremony
Hey everyone - welcome back to Into the Forests I Go! Last we checked in, I was sharing about my recent trip to Greece, but today I...
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Jul 12, 20234 min read
Back to My Roots: My First Lithuanian Wedding
Hey everyone, and welcome back to Into the Forests I Go, my online space to explore living in Lithuania as an American expat. I've been...
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Apr 18, 20233 min read
Cepelinai: Lithuania's National Dish (And How I Like It Best)
Ah, cepelinai. Lithuanians love to talk about their cepelinai - often described as the national dish, along with their beloved,...
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Apr 11, 20233 min read
My Favorite Brunch Spots in Vilnius
Welcome back to my little corner of the internet, Into the Forests I Go! If you've been a friend of mine for a while, you know I love...
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Feb 8, 20233 min read
Kernavė: A Spring Equinox Stop in an Ancient Medieval City
Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Into the Forests I Go, a small piece of my mind and heart as an expat living in Lithuania. Today's post is...
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Jan 24, 20233 min read
Stumbling Across Lithuania's Stonehenge - and a UFO Sighting!
Yeah, you read that right. Things got weird, y'all. And it all started, of course, with a desire to explore Lithuania beyond Vilnius....
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Jan 10, 20233 min read
How Living in Lithuania Freed Me Up to Pursue my Soul’s Work
I know, I know - the title. If you're rolling your eyes at "soul's work," I feel you. What does that even mean? And what's with the...
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Nov 8, 20225 min read
Things I Didn't Expect to See in Lithuania - as an American!
Let's just state the obvious, y'all: I'm all the way on the other side of the world from a home country I'm - in the same breath -...
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Nov 2, 20224 min read
Learning the Lithuanian Language? Buckle Up, Cowboy!
It's been about two months since The Scientist and I started our Lithuanian language lessons at Vilnius University - a semester-long...
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Oct 11, 20224 min read
Making Motorcycle Memories with New Friends: The Lithuania Version
When The Scientist was in negotiation talks to seal the deal on our Lithuanian adventure, he jokingly told the hiring committee that he...
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Oct 4, 20223 min read
Hello, COVID Positivity!: Plus, Hymns to the Great Goddess
Labukaaaaas, friends from around the world! (Hiiii!) I'm one day late pressing Send on this bad boy because, well, I tested positive for...
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Sep 12, 20224 min read
Here's Why Lithuanians Love Basketball So Much - And Why I'm a New Fan!
When I say I'm not a sports fan, what I mean is that I usually can't be bothered to watch a game. The Superbowl? Sure, give me Lady Gaga...
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Aug 29, 20225 min read
A Very Baltic Weekend at Mėnuo Juodaragis
Labas, everyone! We're heading into the last hours of summer here in Lithuania - or more specifically, today is the last day I expect to...
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Jul 25, 20222 min read
An Ode to My Sweet International Greyhound on her Birthday
More than any of the three of us (myself, The Scientist, and Audrey, our greyhound), I think Audrey has picked the tallest straw from...
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Jun 26, 20223 min read
Bye, Summertime Blues: My Reset at the Baltic Sea
And that's it - it's finally summer. All it took was an epic all day rainstorm to wash away the rest of Lithuania's spring, and I've been...
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Jun 12, 20224 min read
Welcome to Lithuania's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream:' Joninės!
Since I'm going to be out of town next weekend, I wanted to share a blog post about something I've been excited about since before I...
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May 30, 20225 min read
Living in Lithuania: 6 Pros and Cons
Real talk: there seems to be a deep-seated inferiority complex in the minds of many Lithuanians, including some of my friends who have...
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